This story is called "How my wife bought me pizza and made me feel guilty about eating it."
Nat went to California Pizza Kitchen with a friend the other day and brought me back a pizza because I was doing some homework and hadn't eaten much all day long. It seems weird to me that once she gave me the pizza and I heated it up that she proceeded to eat a piece! What the heck?! She had her own pizza at the restaurant, but when she saw me eating, she felt like she had to eat it. Only because I was eating something. I protest with , "Hey!!! You got your own stinkin' pizza dangit!!!"
To which she replies "No. I bought myself two pizzas and let you have one. They were both mine to begin with."
Are you kidding me?!
She says that she was joking. She just wanted a reason to try my pizza. It was really good.
Another example:
Today I ask if she wants a Turkey sandwich because I was making one. No she says. Just when I sit down to eat, she grabbs my freaking sandwich and takes a bite out of it! What the CRAP?! If you wanted a dang sandwich in the first place I wouldv'e made you one. For the freaking love this is my sandwich and you missed your dang chance!!!
Seth does not share his food either and hates it when I try to eat it....must be a man thing.
neither does Adam (thanks for the Joey reference). I usually have to buy a buffer plate of fries or whatever appetizer to keep her from eating my food. It was really bad when she was growing another person.
Buffer food! For reals.
Ask Mike about this . . . he should blog this subject. I'm going to submit a request.
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