Sunday, October 26, 2008


This story is called "How my wife bought me pizza and made me feel guilty about eating it."

Nat went to California Pizza Kitchen with a friend the other day and brought me back a pizza because I was doing some homework and hadn't eaten much all day long. It seems weird to me that once she gave me the pizza and I heated it up that she proceeded to eat a piece! What the heck?! She had her own pizza at the restaurant, but when she saw me eating, she felt like she had to eat it.  Only because I was eating something. I protest with , "Hey!!! You got your own stinkin' pizza dangit!!!" 

To which she replies "No. I bought myself two pizzas and let you have one. They were both mine to begin with." 

Are you kidding me?!

She says that she was joking. She just wanted a reason to try my pizza. It was really good. 

Another example:

Today I ask if she wants a Turkey sandwich because I was making one. No she says. Just when I sit down to eat, she grabbs my freaking sandwich and takes a bite out of it! What the CRAP?! If you wanted a dang sandwich in the first place I wouldv'e made you one. For the freaking love this is my sandwich and you missed your dang chance!!!



Kierst said...

Seth does not share his food either and hates it when I try to eat it....must be a man thing.

adam said...

neither does Adam (thanks for the Joey reference). I usually have to buy a buffer plate of fries or whatever appetizer to keep her from eating my food. It was really bad when she was growing another person.

Davy J said...

Buffer food! For reals.

Caleb said...

Ask Mike about this . . . he should blog this subject. I'm going to submit a request.