Sunday, October 26, 2008


We went and watched the movie "Ghost Town", and I was pleasantly surprised. I thought the movie would be ok, but it was pretty good. The awkward dialog in the film was perfect, and Ricky Gervais was hilarious. I noticed throughout the movie that each of the characters constantly interrupted each other, and the timing was dead on. We liked the appearance of Kristen Wiig. 

I thought Gervais was great. I've never really seen him in anything before (yeah... not that big of an Office fan). The story was simple and it was good enough for a good night out. Sometimes you go to a movie and regret watching it, but that wasn't the case with this one. 

I hate going to the movies. I hate being around sweaty, loud people. People kept talking, passing loud candy around and bumping the back of my seat. Yeah, I hate going to the movies. In a future life I hope to have a movie theater in my house so I can watch movies from the comfort of my couch with out the crap.

Freaking snacks cost more than our tickets. Hilarious. 

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