Friday, October 17, 2008

gah! I hate it!

FM 100.

The most terrible radio station in existence. Picture yourself shopping for dairy products or personal hygiene items to the sounds of Barbara Streisand, Celine Deon, or any other "soft hits" from the 80's and 90's and that's what FM 100 is. Supermarket music. I can't stand it, because I used to work at a grocery store and it was a never ending tape loop of insanity. The music is meant for hospital coma patients, to keep them in a deep hypnotic slumber.

A girl at my work always turns the radio to that station, and we all end up going crazy. When she leaves the room I will turn it off, or lower the volume completely. Its a rescue mission to save my sanity.

If there was any reason for me to snap and destroy the world it would be the soft hits of FM 100.

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