Friday, October 17, 2008


I'm looking for a recipe for sourdough bread. Its kinda tricky because of the starter, which can turn a simple recipe into a complicated mess. Or just a mess. I haven't made sourdough bread in years. I haven't really baked in years. Sourdough bread is awesome and would be great for a sandwich. Oh man... a sourdough panini would be great right now.

Many of the websites I've found recommend going to the local bakery and grabbing a cup or two of their starter (why not make your own? it isn't hard). You must then feed the beast. Letting the starter grow into a monster and adding it to your dough when you actually bake off the bread.

I still have nightmares about culinary school. Given that my mom's kitchen will be free tonight, I'm going to see what she has in the pantry and see what I can bake up.

1 comment:

ashley said...

When you get around to actually making some good sourdough, you should bring some to us. Jay would love you.

But he would.
I'm sure it would be in a completely platonic, extremely manly way.