I've had the idea of starting a web comic for a long time now. And while the ideas I had for the book I started writing are still locked on the abandoned hard drive, I still have a pretty good idea of what I could do. The problem is I tend to storyboard my ideas for a story rather than just write or describe the situation some other way. Would a web comic format work for such a big idea? I guess it could. Looking at other examples, I guess it wouldn't be that hard.
I have no clue how to color a scanned image with software, which makes me just want to stay in black and white like Bone. Color is fine, and once I figure it out I'm sure I'll make the switch, but there's something about the the way black and white can add more mystery to the story itself. Take Frank Miller's Sin City for example: it is black and white, with sparse colors inserted to add certain elements.
When you pick up the daily newspaper and skip the crap and go to the comics section, everything is in black and white. The limited three or four panel format is what inspires artists to really take advantage of the limited space to tell a story. Full panel Sunday formats have also changed over the years (Thanks to Bill Waterson) to allow artists more freedom to tell their stories.
Limitation is what inspires me. Being able to work within certain parameters is the challenge. Unlimited undos and edits can destroy the natural quality of any work. And I think that the limited 4 panel page format could be a way of making my story come to life, one way or another.
Until I actually produce something, I'm not sure how it will work.
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