Friday, October 17, 2008


One of the friendliest guys I've ever met- He works on his family orchard and lives a simple life. Up until a few years ago he had saved all his money and lived in a storage unit. He hangs out with homeless people, and probably used to panhandle. Picture Abe Lincoln with bright red hair. I'm not really sure what he's up to right now, my guess is he still works at his family's farm.

Besides the normal chit chat, he struck up a conversation about food storage. Its funny, he was talking about how he's built a supply of organic foods, and growable food for his supply.

"What do people use for food storage? When the earthquake hits all people have is canned chili!" So he's got his supply of sprouts and seeds, and he's ready for anything.

Life lessons. That man has learned some serious life lessons. He bought his dog a sandwich for its last meal.

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