Friday, May 5, 2006


So for the last 3 days I've been messing around on the computer making a website for some of the things I've done these past few years. I made a website for a computer science class I had about 6 years ago, but I haven't tried since then. I thought it would be fun to dig around the internet and see what I could come up with. Even though I have web software at my disposal I decided to come up with everything myself and write a chunky, boxy looking html site. I don't really care about the flashiness or the cool abilities other webpages have out there- I just want a simple stupid webpage.

So far its been hard, but I've put together a few pages that I hope to upload in a while. I'll admit it looks pretty sharp for not having done this before. Not too bad I guess. I just wish I had a better idea how to do this before I started.

html sucks.

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