Friday, January 11, 2008


Garit's Assignment:

Topic: A critical analysis of Nikola Tesla, his inventions and theories.
Due date: January 18th, 2008
Length: At least 3 pages double spaced (not including citations, pictures, bibliography or titlepage), 12pt. font (no wingdings, poopy fonts, or crap that is unreadable).

Use at least 2 primary documents, and other sources to describe Tesla's achievements. Make sure to cite your work, and check spelling/grammar. I will grade you based on use of information, analysis of the subject material, and execution of the written assignment.

The assignment will be due no later than 5 p.m. on the 18th, and no late work will be accepted.

Garit. I'm counting on you to impress me here. If you give me a great paper, you will be greatly rewarded. If you fail, you will be severely punished.


Unknown said...

On closer inspection this seems to be a pretty daunting task in only a weeks time. There is a lot to be said. I don't know if I can fit all of what I want into that criteria.

we will see what happens...

Davy J said...

Man up and own this assignment.

Mark Nott said...

David Bowie can duplicate hats

Davy J said...


JethRobyn said...

So Davy, are you distributing your homework assignments to friends? I'll take one, can't guarantee that it will be intelligent/and or make some sort of sense. Bring it on.

Daniel T said...

I thought Tesla was an eighties rock band.