Friday, August 18, 2006

dumb Tv

My head hurts.

So we got sattellite television the other day. We have 130 channels at the touch of a button. Its funny because I seem to watch the same ten channels. I don't really care for those crap channels like the Women's Entertainment, or BET. I wake up in the morning, watch Most Extreme Video on Spike TV and change between that and some shark show or documentary on Discovery Channel. Cartoon Network is Awesome. Saturday Night Live reruns on E! are great to watch. MTV sucks now. TLC also has some good programs.

My head hurts.

I don't like to watch TV. I really hate it because there are better things to do besides sitting in front of the tube. Here's a list of things I could do besides watching TV:

1. paint a picture
2. read a book
3. eat another meal
4. wash my new car
5. hike a freakin mountain
6. clean the living room
7. do the stinkin' dishes
8. scratch myself
9. prank call my wife
10. make a killer electronic music CD
11. organize my CDs
12. unpack stuff
13. GPS some crap
14. do my laundry
15. make a snack
16. get the mail
17. steal food from my parent's house
18. call dan
19. think about stuff
20. pray towards Mecca

So I guess there are a few things I can do. I just end up watching TV instead.

Must... fight... Tv... can't ... let it ... win...


Unknown said...

Prank call your wife? Please tell me you have done this! Thats so funny.

Daniel T said...

Dude, watching TV is alot more entertaining than calling me. and also, I have one more thing to add to your list.

#21. WoW my brains out until the wee hours of the morning.

Mark Nott said...

did MTV ever not suck?