One day I'm going to have a wood shop where I can build custom guitars and be surrounded by tools that can maim my expendable appendages (Expendable Appendages would be a good heavy metal band name, now that I think about it). I will slowly die from sawdust inhalation.
Right now I'm going to modify this Ibanez P-bass clone to look and sound like something else. The body itself is in pretty good shape, the paint is dinged up and chipped in countless places. I've stenciled a few new outlines for the modified body, mainly to reduce the wieght and make it look more like my Ibanez 5-string. The pickups probably work just fine, though the output jack needs to be reconnected and the volume pot might need to be replaced. I'm going to get a new neck, and I'll need some new tuners... and a better bridge... knobs... blah blah blah. Some of the components aren't available so it will take some time.
I just need to sand down the paint, carve the body and refinish it. I'll probably need some sand paper... or chemical paint stripper... which sucks. I'd rather go to the dentist than sit there sanding a block of wood all day long. So the motivation is lacking in that department. My guess is that the body is made up of 4 or 5 pieces of Ash glued together, but I won't know until all the paint is removed. No idea what color this thing will be.
Don't know when I'll get around to it. I've got too much on my plate already. So this will probably be a summer thing like everything else. Last time I put together a guitar I rushed it, and I didn't do a great enough paint job. So we'll see what happens.