Sunday, September 28, 2008


I'm a little bugged by a commercial I keep seeing on various channels throughout the day. 

It isn't the True North Nut commercial that changed it's dialog from "Nut Snack" to just "Snack". Evidently people thought (myself included) that at the end of the commercial it said "nut sack". But they changed it so its ok. 

I'm talking about the commericals from the Corn Refiners Association that ususally show some ignorant teen chowing down on some food and then his know-it-all friend is like, "Huh.. dude... uh.. you know that food is full of that... you know... bad stuff." Before he can finish, the ignorant one interrupts him with "DUDE. Shut your ugly mouth. High Fructose Corn Syrup is just as safe as sugar and is perfectly fine in moderation... #$&@$ idiot." By then his friend feels dumb and either wets his pants and walks away, or something else I don't remember. *

Come on. Really? Go in your cupboard, look at the ingredients of whatever you are eating or drinking and you will see that high fructose corn syrup is probably in there somewhere. What the Corn Refiners Association isn't telling you that everything you eat is derived from Corn. The meat, the dairy, the candy, the soda... You can't get away from it. There is no possible way to escape high fructose corn syrup, unless you are a hermit,  lack a mouth or stomach, or eat dirt like garit. 

I'm not against high fructose corn syrup, I actually embrace the stuff (remember that 6lb. bag of gummi bears I got for my birthday? Oh yes, that was awesome) . I just think its pretty lame of the Corn Refiners Association to tell everyone that they'll honestly be able to eat any amount of high fructose corn syrup in moderation. That's a joke. 

*Note: I'm like really exaggerating here. For reals.

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