Monday, July 17, 2006

the crap weekend

So there I was.. half naked and sitting on a cold metal slab waiting for the technician to take an x-ray of my stomach. After a few minutes of waiting I was told to lay down as I the slab moved skyward and a large robotic camera device hummed loudly. Test results came back negative.

The next day I called in sick with minor stomach pain. On the way to the doctor's office I felt a sudden incredible pain that shot through my stomach into my back. I couldn't breath it hurt so bad. Finding a comfortable position was impossible as I yelled at my mother to drive freaking faster. At the doctors office I was asked to give a urine sample, and while I was standing in the restroom thinking about it, I vomited instead. The pain was getting worse and worse.

A desicion was made. They put me in the hospital overnight. By the time I arrived at my room I was delierious from the pain. An IV drip was stuck in my left hand and once the morphine kicked in I was happy as could be. After falling asleep and puking a few more times, I felt pretty good. My family came in to visit me and it really wasn't so bad. I ended up sleeping the rest of the day. The next morning they said I was free to go so I went home and haven't had any problems since. Bizarre.

They never found that kindney stone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ultra sound huh.. sound like fun