Friday, April 2, 2010

shout out

Just wanted to give a shout out to the Mormon crazies that threatened to disrupt and incite violence at a Fireside because Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) was invited to speak about his conversion story. Guess he wasn't Republican enough. I don't know what to say.

I was going to write a long essay about what's wrong with the conservative/mormon universe and this situation, but I'm not going to. If you want to know what I really think about all of this, you can email/tweet me.

On another note: The iPad cometh. Art thou tempted? Anyone buying one?

Let's wait until ver. 2.0.

And I need a root canal. ugh.. I've been putting it off too long.


Alternative polka said...

agreed waiting till 2.0 I want a camera on mine.

Unknown said...

After what happened to my dad I never know what to believe anymore... You read the news to stay informed and yet you never know whos personal agenda is behind everything written... If this is indeed true it is a pity... His conversion has nothing to do with his political views...