Monday, August 14, 2006


The other night my friends and I were locked in eternal combat while playing The Game of Thrones. Well not really, but the game lasted like over 3 hours, and by the time it ended I was happy that I lost. Why do people make games with 500 rules? Does it really make the game better? I'll play again, but I'd rather dust off my Magic cards and make the biggest geek deck ever.


I borrowed a Cat Stevens CDs for the ride to work this morning. He converted to Islam a long time ago and realeased an album of kids songs to help them learn more about Islam. I don't know why I'm in a Cat Stevens mood right now, but I can't get Peace Train out of my head.



Unknown said...

get one of these..

Anonymous said...

Cat Stevens... yeah. Been listening to a lot of him too. Maybe he's using the power of Islam's spirit to reach our souls, to get us to collectively listen to his works.

Father and Son is my favorite... I bawl every time.