Wednesday, August 2, 2006


So I got married a few days ago. Here are some of the subtle differences:

Sleeping with someone, and always being with someone.
Most financial purchase require approval of the opposing marital partner.
Not only are my clothes and stuff spread around the apartment, but her stuff adds another geologic layer to the clutter.
My wife doesn't like my music.
Interests such as video games or rock concerts are out of the question.
Time spent reading is time spent not loving the wif.
She doesn't like to be called the "wif."

I'm open to change.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dude.. thats so funny! Being open to change is probably a good thing. Oh hey.. I guess all the lehi girls think im dead or something.. tell the wif that I am really not dead but in fact am doing quite well. She then can spread the word to all the other people that have been calling me non-stop for the last few days.

Did you get the SUV?