Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I have to write a senior thesis. I've been thinking about what to write about for a long time now. Supposedly it can be about whatever I want. I just need to get my sources approved and away I go. Some possible ideas for my senior thesis:
  • Greek/Roman Cartography and views of ancient world geography
  • Sub-Roman Britain's early Christians (Pre-Norman Conquest)
  • Printing Press and book production before the Renaissance
  • King Freaking Arthur (man or myth?)
  • Medieval Christian Military orders (Knights Templar/Tuetonic knights)
  • Hernan Cortes and the Conquest of Tenochtitlan
  • Coronado's expedition to locate Cibola (one of the fabled cities of gold)
Any suggestions out there? Anything is possible here. I think that finding primary sources for some of these topics will be hard to obtain, but shouldn't be too bad.


Natalie Kay said...

You know I still want you to choose something roman or greek. That's your area of specialty. However, the the idea of the printing press.

That field trip I went on to see the only working model of the Gutenberg press was really cool. I'll have to take you there so you can get the tour.

Davy J said...

I like printing, and manuscript production. However I think that Greek and Rome stuff is more for Art historians, or Political Science people than me. I'll think about it though.

Ashley McKinnon said...

My dad owned a printing press for 25 years. My bro still works there. I love the stuff on knights templar and stuff. Of course, I am an American history buff.

Davy J said...

yeah... not so big on US history, unless there's cowboys or indians. I like the Old West, but everything after that is lame.